Speaking Up

The Child Molesting Crew

Jerry wasn’t the only one molesting children.


Kathy offered us to these men and profited off our molestation.

Kathy Burks, her birth name, was the mother that no child should have: especially, not a young girl. She is a murderous, twisted person, who should be buried underneath the jail. A person, who kills her child and gives her daughters up to grown men, so they can be brutally molested and permanently traumatized, is not fit to be called a mother. Hereinafter, she will be referred to as “Kathy”.

However, Kathy should not rot in the cell underneath the jail alone, as there are a plethora of child molestors, who attempted or seized on the day to molest little girls. They consist of neighbors, uncles, family friends, a step-father, and cousins.


These are the child molestors or those who attempted to molest us by name:


  1. Jerry James Jones (Step-Father)
  2. Roman Burks (Uncle)
  3. Roman Burks, Jr. (Cousin)
  4. Dark Skinned, Jerri Curl wearing man (Family Friend-presumed “boyfriend” of Kathy)
  5. Allegedly, Jimmy (aka Puckman – Uncle)*- This is the only man that has an asterisk because I can’t say with absolute certainity that he was the one that molested my sister when she was 4. However, he had access to my sister when she was infected with chlamydia. Jimmy’s (Puckman) girlfriend came to a very small rural clinic with the same STD around the time my 4 year old sister was infected with the same thing, but Kathy protected him.
  6. Russell (Uncle) – Physically Assualted Me & Attempted to Molest Me at 12 and 15 years old
  7. James (Cousin)
  8. Jerry (Cousin) – Attempted to Molest Me when I was 12 years old
  9. Woman with buttery teeth, stinky breath (Neighbor)
  10. 36 year old retarded man (“Family Friend”)
  11. Pastor Ben Pratt (Uncle)
  12. Willy (Cousin) – Attempted to molest me at 12 years old
  13. Aunt Anne’s oldest Adult Son (Cousin) – Attempted to molest me when I was about 6-7 years old.
  14.  And to the countless coward, sick men who would come in at night. All we could do is see a shadow, smell the alcohol on many of their breaths, as they began to molest us. These are the men that I can’t identify, but this happened frequently. We would be lucky if it only happened a couple of times per year. My sister starting running away to get away from our step father and these men, then I was left to deal with these men by myself at 10 years old.

I want to walk you into what it was like being raised in household in which the women from Kathy’s family would conceal and protect all the child molestors while denying and shaming the little girls for being molested.

In the audio above, you will hear Carrie Pratt, who is the sister of Kathy and another protector of child molestors, admit that other children were telling her that they had been or was being molested. Instead of helping us, listen carefully as she turned to blame us.

Her husband, Ben Pratt is a pastor of Scott Chapel M.B. Church located at 2588 Fishlake Road in Tunica, Mississippi, who not only love little children but grown women as well. One of the worse types of people are those who preach the gospel and lay in this type of sin.

You train children, who later become adults, to accept certain behaviors. I was trained really young to accept abuse: not only to hide it, but there was a sort of duty that Kathy and her sisters gave us to protect our abusers as well. 

Society is trying to do the same thing to my child. My daughter won’t be trained to accept abusive behaviors from anyone including at the hands of family. I will NEVER let this happen. You are going to have to bury me 6 feet under!

It is a relief that I feel naming you all. None of you were ever brought to “justice”, which really doesn’t exist anyway. It is my hope that this exposure will make it much more difficult for them to continue molesting little girls. Also, I hope that all of the little girls, who you permanently changed when you took our innocence away, get some type of peace knowing this will be on the web forever!

To anyone affected by this type of abuse: I am hoping for you all to heal from the trauma. Masking it is self-destructive to your soul. Healing feels so peaceful.


Jerry Jones’ & Kathy Burks’ Families are a Cesspool of Child Molestors

When two child molesting families unite, it becomes a thing that nightmares are made out of.

Many times, my sister, Moneca, would take my molestation by begging these men not to touch me and to touch her instead. I witnessed my sister being molested more times than I care to recount. She tried her best to save me from more physical trauma and placed that on her young shoulders to bear. At the time, I never understood the magnitude of her sacrifice.

My sister was more than a sister: She was a mother figure and my protector.

I miss you dearly and love you always, Moneca.


Note: On 11/30/16 around 3:04 pm at Ridgeway precinct, I attempted to report these child molestors in hopes that I can save some girls from being molested, but an African American, female officer (description: she was sitting in the front desk of the entrance with close to chin length hair; and she had a wart like, black mole above her lip) was not interested in documenting the abuse or trying to help those girls. After checking that officer’s IBM file, this female officer has a history of allegedly ignoring the endangerment of children. I urge any and all abused people to please go to a precinct to make a report of your abuser even if you get an officer that does not care. It may be best for you take someone with you and/or record the entire thing because you cannot be sure as to an officer’s motives.

*Public Safety Warning: If any of these child molesting perverts or their proxies want to cause harm or kill my family or me. The ending result may not work out in your favor.

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I would rather be a loud mouth woman than one that dies in silence. Living in fear and condoning abuse will not be the fate of my child. This is the hill that I choose to die upon and the one that my child will grow up on: Twisted behavior is unacceptable!

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